This 70 year old woman first noticed some reduction in visual acuity in both eyes at age 45. Her visual acuity had been previously normal.
Color Vision: | Correctly identified 7/14 Ishihara pseudoisochromatic plates OU. |
Refraction OD: | -1.75 +1.00 x 140 |
Refraction OS: | -1.25 +0.50 x 20 |
The clinical features favoring the diagnosis of RP1L1-associated occult macular dystrophy include: reduced acuity with a near-normal ophthalmoscopic appearance, a history of normal acuity in childhood; and, a "moth-eaten" appearance of the macular ellipsoid zone on OCT.
Age at visit: 77 years |
Age at visit: 79 years |
Disease | Gene | Allele 1 variant(s) | Allele 2 variant(s) | Inheritance mode |
Occult Macular Dystrophy | RP1L1 | Arg45Trp CGG>TGG | AD |