The StoneRounds Success Camp

Positive Attitude

Attitude is everything.

Work, finish, publish.

Prioritize. Conserve valuable resources (waste not, want not).

Appreciate what you have every day.

Be genuinely grateful to those who are helping you, trying to help you, and have helped you. Convey that appreciation frequently.

Say please and thank you a lot.

Recognize that you are fallible and could be better at your job. Admit your mistakes readily and apologize for them genuinely.

Don’t run afoul of your valuable collaborator’s “go to” person under any circumstances.

Try not to find fault with (or complain about) the leader of your team too much (unless and until you are ready to be the leader yourself or to find another team).

Don’t be a victim. If you are really being hurt, get help or get out. If you are just being annoyed or stressed, identify the sources of your annoyance and stress and work on them one by one (largest to smallest) until your annoyance and stress is at a tolerable level. Remember that everyone has annoyances and stresses in their day and they don’t want to spend a bunch of their precious time talking about yours unless: 1) it is a relatively rare occurrence and 2) by doing so it will durably solve your problem.

– Edwin M. Stone

Read More

  • "Maintaining Proper Bit Speed," Edwin M. Stone
  • "The Strangest Secret," Earl Nightingale
  • "Success," Milton D. Stone, Jr.
  • Psychocybernetics, Maxwell Maltz
  • "Eight Rules for Positive Thinking," Maxwell Maltz
  • Please Understand Me II, David Keirsey