The StoneRounds Success Camp

Read & Write Daily

IVR Annual Reading and Writing Goals*

0.1Pr + Ar + 10Br + 0.1Pw + 5Tg + 10Aw + 10Gw > 150

Pr = pages of medicine, basic science and other mission-relevant material read in fragments
Ar = scientific papers and book-chapters read
Br = mission-related books read
Pw = creative mission-related pages written in fragments**
Tg = formal talks or lectures given for the first time
Aw = scientific articles and book chapters written and accepted***
Gw = grants submitted****

*Starting today and continuing through the last day of your career (note: there will be more reading in early years and more writing in later years but there should always be some of both – note also the absence of clinic notes, faculty meetings, visiting lectures, attendance at national meetings, etc., from this measurement – those things are of course also valuable in moderation, but should not be allowed to prevent you from reaching 150 points on this reading and writing scale.)
**This includes drafts of manuscripts, abstracts and grants; substantive emails to colleagues about medical, basic science and other mission-related topics; and journal entries. As noted in the preceding paragraph, it does not include taking notes during lectures or writing clinic notes, operative reports or letters in the context of the clinical care of patients.
***For the purpose of this writing goal, you should only count the ones in which you performed at least 25% of the faculty work involved in writing and submitting the paper or chapter; case reports count as 0.5.
**** For the purpose of this writing goal, you should only count the ones in which you are listed as one of the key personnel and performed at least 25% of the faculty work involved in writing and submitting the grant – note that you get full credit for this effort whether the grant is accepted or not.

– Edwin M. Stone